Acosta Cigars Human Rights Policy

At Acosta Cigar Company, we take our responsibility to prevent child labor and modern slavery in our business and supply chain very seriously. Our policy outlines the responsibilities of both Acosta Cigars and our employees and provides clear guidelines for expected behavior. In accordance with the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, we disclose our efforts to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain.

As a responsible corporate citizen, we are committed to preventing modern slavery and child labor in our business and supply chain. We regularly communicate with our vendors, suppliers, and contractors to ensure they share our commitment to ethical practices. We require compliance with all applicable laws in our contracts with these parties and will engage third parties, if necessary, to evaluate our supply chain.

Our commitment to human rights includes protecting the rights of children. We do not tolerate exploitation or involuntary servitude within our business or among our suppliers or partners. We follow legal minimum age requirements for employment and do not allow employees under 18 to perform hazardous work.

To support our commitment to ethical practices, we provide training to our employees to raise awareness of the problems of child labor and modern slavery and to help them identify signs of these issues in our supply chain. We take any concerns about noncompliance with our policy seriously and investigate them promptly, taking appropriate actions based on our findings.